A daily weekday or weekend programme for children, pre-adolescents, young adults promoting various forms of leisure activities, and socio-cultural gatherings.
Link : Don Bosco Youth Services
Youth Centre:
A structure/space, for young people, open to all, with specific aims of growth to full maturity, pursuing group dynamics aimed at responsible and honest citizenship contributing to a better society through the Salesian Youth Ministry [SYM].
Link : Don Bosco Youth Services
Educational institutions using Salesian pedagogy, specifically the Preventive System of Don Bosco, in imparting academic excellence, thus becoming a pivotal intersection between reason, culture and faith.
Vocational Training Centres:
Centres that respond to the predispositions, abilities and perspectives of the young who wish to be gainfully employed after their basic schooling.
Institutes of Higher Learning:
Educational Institutions with specific Salesian pedagogical character, that offer pre-graduate, graduate and post-graduate degrees/diplomas.
Boardings & Hostels:
Orphanages, semi-orphanages, or homes for the poor and marginalized with a residential facility usually attached to a school, that allows the students to stay through and complete their basic schooling.
A fraternal and welcoming community of families where Christians become aware of being the people of God and devote themselves to develop their Parish community with special exemplary care for the young people in the community.
Mission Centres:
Centres furthering interculturality, solidarity, and promotion of Gospel values, expressing the missionary spirit and spirituality of the Salesian Congregation, with a preferential option for the most vulnerable
Centres for Youth at Risk:
Institutions that work for children, teenagers and older youth living in conditions of social exclusion like street children, immigrants, those recovering from substance abuse, minors in the penal system, etc.
Link : Shelter Don Bosco
Development Works:
Works that are strategically structured, developed and executed as part of the qualitative Salesian mission to enhance the socio-economic situation of the poor, especially of the young through a process of participatory empowerment.
Link : Don Bosco Development Society
Formation Houses:
Houses that accompany, nurture and enable the young people who have discerned God’s will and have made a generous offering of themselves, through a structured and systematised programme of life through the various stages of initial formation, I.e Pre-Novitiate, Novitiate, Post-Novitiate.
Psychological Services:
Centres that cater to the curative need for healing of trauma, setbacks, depression, and deep-rooted hurts through individual and group accompaniment of the young using appropriate counselling and therapeutic techniques.
Link : Don Bosco Prafulta
Social Communications Centres:
Centres that foster formation to critical and educational use of Social Communication media through development, production, publication and dissemination of content aimed specifically at young people while providing the vital setting/platform for them to rally together using all forms and expressions of communication